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Discussion in 'Fish Diseases & Cures' started by Anonymous, Nov 6, 2008.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Thread Starter Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    I don't know what happend! I looked over, he was swimming fine, then i noticed all of a sudden his belly was pitch black! and then shortly after, he was DEAD! I was going to get my own water tester kit tomorrow at the petstore after school to make sure everything was ok after my water change. He was doing great up until now. And i don't know what could have happened!? It must be something in the water. Or maybe he tried to eat one of the plastic plants? Could that have caused him to die? I just don't know what could have happend. I'm so upset right now. :(
  2. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    I'm soo sorry to hear that your puffer passed. More than likely it was something to do with the water, if you just did a change did you add a dechlorinator (prime) to your water BEFORE adding fresh to the tank? When you get the test kit I'd test the water just to give you closure. Check for salinity, Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrites. Black belly/grey belly is your typical sign that something is really wrong as you already found out. Could possibly be a parasite of some sort? But I'm betting something with the water since puffer was fine prior to the change.
    Oops. almost forgot, are you using marine salt or just aquarium salt that can be found in Wal-mart? FYI. in case you weren't already aware--Puffers are actually saltwater fish and require the marine salt.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Thread Starter Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Thank you, the chemicals that I have been using are Kent Marine Pro Clear and NovAqua plus Water Conditioner. And I have instant ocean for the salt, for sand i have a brand called Aragonite, and thats why i had to clean the tank in ther first place because there were brown spots all against the glass and the sand. I only did a 50% water change. So it must have been something in the recentley added water.

    And i've had him in saltwater.
  4. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    I'm sorry you lost him.

    Make sure you get a marine test kit and not a freshwater kit, they are different.
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Thread Starter Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Ok, i'll deffientley double check the kit when i buy it. And after this, I think i'll be going back to freshwater. Saltwater tanks are just to hard to manage, and all i had was just sand and salt water.
  6. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    Personally I think saltwater is more difficult than freshwater, some may disagree. There is definitely more that goes into the tank to keep a stable saltwater environment and it's not as forgiving as freshwater.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Thread Starter Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    If i keep my tank salt water and get the water fixed, what kind of fish do you think would be able to live in my tank/setup
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Thread Starter Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    or if i switch back to freshwater, what kinds of fish do you think would work? I'm really wanting to try cichilds but i think they would end up getting to big for my tank, and i wouldn't have the money to purchase a larger tank.
  9. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    This is a 20 gallon, right ?
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Thread Starter Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    yea 20 gal, i'll probably wait a few weeks to get more fish, just to be safe
  11. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    If you keep it as a saltwater tank you should increase the salinity slightly. After you bought about 20 pounds of live rock you could get a few. There are a lot of gobies that will work for a 20 gallon tank. You could also do a single Ocellaris Clownfish.
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Thread Starter Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    kk ill think about that, is live rock fairly cheap? and would petco or petsmart sell it? And if i switch back to freshwater, what do you think?
  13. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    The lowest price for live rock that I've seen in stores is about 6 dollars a pound, so you're talking about $120.00 for the rock.

    With freshwater there are a lot more options. Guppies, a betta, some tetras, goldfish and many more.
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Thread Starter Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    kk i think ill go towards freshwater, because i can't afford that. I've been really liking the look of flowerhorns, would they be to big for my tank
  15. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    Way way too big. You're really not going to be able to do cichlids unless you did shell dwellers and a select few dwarf species.
  16. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    flowerhorns would be too big in my opinion---they can max out at up to 18" I've read, but most of them hit about 11"...IF I were you, I'd avoid the saltwater in a 20g...that's fairly small and like Anthony said--very unforgiving when it comes to the slightest change. Saltwater needs constant monitoring to make sure your tank is stable, and definately needs to be tested with a marine test kit. If your changing that 20g from salt to freshwater I'd rinse it with freshwater like crazy--and honestly I'd probably do the 5:1, let it sit the 10-15...rinse it and let it sit with the rinsewater 5-10...then rinse it again and let it air dry for 24 hours. For freshwater the list can go on and on..depends on what your wanting-->species only, assortment-community, planted..blah blah blah.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Thread Starter Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    I'll most liikely go back to freshwater, i want to keep the sand in my tank how would i go about cleaning the tank? And for fish i'm really wanting to try cichilds but i don't know, i had gouramis before and mollies, but i want something different. But i would most likely be getting the fish from petco and petsmart since thats all thats around here
  18. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    You're going to have to completely empty the tank or drain as much water as possible, refill it, drain it and refill it again several times to rinse all the salt out. The same goes for the filter.
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Thread Starter Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    ok, and any suggestions as far as the sand goes? I'll probably do what you suggest for about a week, then, put freshwater in it, let it cycle for 2 weeks, and hopefully by the end of the 3 weeks the tank will be ready for new fish. I'll probably have to special order my new fish.
  20. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    Just stir the sand up with your hand each time you add freshwater, unless you want to remove it all and throw it away which I doubt you want to do.