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Fin Rot Fin Rot?

Discussion in 'Fish Diseases & Cures' started by Rain, Dec 18, 2010.

  1. Rain

    Rain Thread Starter New Member

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    No, that's just his pattern.
  2. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    Oh okay. If you're not seeing an improvement at this point I think you might want to try Maracyn and/or Maracyn Two.
  3. Rain

    Rain Thread Starter New Member

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    The Endlers are doing great, the guppies were not. The only fish stores around here are Petco and Walmart's fish department, and neither had that, so I was looking online to buy it, but I was too late. I thought he was doing better. The last male died last night. I'm so glad they had fry, but it really sucks when fish get sick and die, no matter what I do.

    I want to clean out their tank and make it a fry tank. It's a 10G with a sponge filter (sponge, bubble stone, tube) and a heater. I can throw the gravel and plants out. How do I clean it (what do I clean it with) to be sure that nothing will hurt the fry, even if it wasn't Fin Rot. I'm allergic to bleach. Will alcohol do it if I make sure to get all the alcohol out?
  4. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    You can keep the gravel and plants. Just clean the gravel with hot water and it will be fine.
  5. Rain

    Rain Thread Starter New Member

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    I'll do that, but I don't use gravel in my fry tanks. What do I clean the tank and filter with? I'm just going to recycle it, so I want to kill anything bad in it.
  6. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    Really hot water and a good scrub should be fine.
  7. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    I seen the bleach allergy, I make my hubby do mine!
    I have him do mine with a cap or two of plain clorox bleach and hot water (15parts water to 1 part bleach roughly).
    Then I have him rinse REALLY well and allow them to soak in Double Dosed Prime treated water for about 20minutes or so and then allow everything to airdry...nothing can survive using this method. Just make sure to keep your plugs outta the water (I duct tape mine above the water level).

    With all that's going on with your fish it truly makes me wonder if your tank has fish Tuberculosis (coulda been introduced when the new fish were added). That would explain why nothing is working and from my readings on the subject the only thing that has helped affected fish is the implementation of a UV sterilizer.
  8. Rain

    Rain Thread Starter New Member

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    "With all that's going on with your fish it truly makes me wonder if your tank has fish Tuberculosis"
    I thought about that, too, but the Endlers and Guppies had never come in contact and they're from different breeders. They don't even use the same siphoner. I am very careful to never mix water by hand, tools, nets, plants, or anything.

    I'm done with the 7-day treatment on the Endlers (the trio and two juvies survived). They still have damage, but it's getting better and they're swimming like normal. Should I put the carbon back in and do a water change, or should I restart the treatment? Should I put the juvies back in the tank?

    But there's more! I had a pair of Albino Blue Topaz Guppies that were given as an extra bye one person I bought a few strains from. I only had one male and a female. Even after several months, the female never had fry, so I put them together. The female had fry a week ago, but it looked like the male attacked her that night, so I put the fry in a fry tank and separated them. The male and female were each alone, for quarantine and healing because this had me paranoid. The female had a bite out of her tail fin, but the male was perfectly fine. A few days ago, the male died. His tail fin was damaged! They never came in contact with the Gold Swordtail Guppies or the Gold Red Endlers, their water never mixed, and their tanks are nowhere near! The female is doing fine and I have no idea if it's the same thing or not.
  9. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    If you've done the full treatment then yes, perform a water change. I would try the Maracyn and Maracyn Two together and see if that does anything.

    I thought about Tuberculosis too but that's pretty rare from what I've read.
  10. Rain

    Rain Thread Starter New Member

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    So I need to use Marcyn and Maracyn Two on the Endlers even though they're acting normal now?
    Should I put the juvies back in the tank or wait until after that treatment?

    Or are you saying to do it for the female Albino Blue Topaz?
  11. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    Yeah, I would still try it just to be safe... One everyone except the fry.
  12. Jeff W

    Jeff W New Member

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    Well water contains lots of minerals and if the fish are not use to it this can cause stress. Which will lead to fin rot and not eating well. Your water parameters could be perfect but well water will cause some problems. I use to have well water years ago and my guppies hated it. Very hard to keep alive. I now have city water and they thrive. i have a suggestion. This has worked for me. I use 2 things in my tanks. One is prime. It is manmade and works. It does not get rid of amonia and other things in the water but it bonds them to render them harmless. I use this in every tank in my house. The second thing I do is raise the temp to 82 to 84 degrees and add salt. I add a little more than what is reccommended and sit back and watch them. I try not to add other chemicals to the water because I have never had much success with them.
