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Eel fire eel ideas?????

Discussion in 'Loaches, Eels, Bichir' started by logan mackrell, Jul 25, 2012.

  1. logan mackrell

    logan mackrell Thread Starter Member

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    i just got a new 75 gallon!!!!!!! but i dont know what to put in it with my fire eel:mad: i was thinking a couple clown loaches, maybe cichlids of some sort, but no oscars. any ideas id appreciate. i like very colorfull fish by the way, so keep that in mind. and i like having alot of fish, so maybe something that could school, and not get eaten.. keep in mind my eel is only 4" , and is extremley peacful with my 3 inch cory cat, which i will be unfortunatly returning, due to not wanting to have a school of corys. thanks for the help, all comments appreciated!!!!!!!
  2. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    Fire Eel:
    • I don't know if you're aware of this, but they can get larger than 24" as an adult if properly cared for. Also, they get really thick bodied (think the diameter of about a human arm). So you may want to consider keeping just the fire eel in there. *You could make it a showy tank...picturing burrowing sand/round gravel substrate that is "smooth" (not rough/jaggedy). Maybe some strategically stacked rockwork for it to burrow within...or even a well covered pvc pipe with an opening facing the front so you could easily view it (diy by siliconing some gravel over the pvc to make it blend it with the substrate). Splash a few Low light/easy plants here and there for a natural look/feel - plus you won't need to worry about ferts/co2. Some floaters (or plastic splayed out ones) to provide a bit of cover which will make it feel at ease. Most importantly, a TIGHT fitting lid...they are known to be escape artists.

    If the above isn't your cup of tea and you realize that pretty much all the possible tankmates that come to mind compatiblity-wise = LARGE species & large species require even larger tanks (larger than your current 75) then here's a quick list of a few that quickly come to mind
    • Needlefish
    • Knifefish
    • Oscar
    • Severums
    • Silver Dollar
    • piranha
    • arowana
    • Like Like x 1
  3. buzz4520

    buzz4520 Well-Known Member

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    i agree with dawn. 6 ft tank would be better, but you've got sometime to upgrade.
    seeing that your eel is small, a female jack dempsey (less territorial than a male) or electric blue jack dempsey. a school of medium/large tinfoil barbs may also work.
  4. logan mackrell

    logan mackrell Thread Starter Member

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    I like the knife fish idea alot, could I fit maybe 1 or 2 BGK???(black ghost knives)
  5. HBIC

    HBIC Need help??? That's what we're here for :)

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    In a 75? I wouldn't.
  6. logan mackrell

    logan mackrell Thread Starter Member

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    What about African cichlids??? Could I fit four or five medium sized like 5"??
  7. HBIC

    HBIC Need help??? That's what we're here for :)

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    Africans prefer harder water than the new world cichlids do so I wouldn't suggest that either. Dawn's ideas were top notch.
  8. logan mackrell

    logan mackrell Thread Starter Member

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    Alright so I have an. update..... Today was my bday, and my dad said I can sell my 75 for a 120, and e will pay for the most part....what are my options in that??