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Freshwater Stingrays- Potamotrygonidae

Discussion in 'Fish Profiles' started by MOD_Dawn, Jun 22, 2009.

  1. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    About 30 species live in tropical South America in large rivers.
    Freshwater stingrays from other families are found on other continents as well, but they rarely are imported and do not contain a great many species.
    All species but one reach a length of at least 2 feet and can be kept only in huge tanks.

    The freshwater stingrays of South America are live-bearing and give birth to fully developed young stingrays after a lengthy gestation period.

    All the species have a dangerous whiplike tail, with which they can seriously wound their enemies.
    NEVER put your bare hands into a stingray tank, as you may receive a painful wound!
    Potamotrygonidae-.jpg Potamotrygonidae.jpg