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Fully Aquatic Frogs (Questions & Advice)

Discussion in 'Invertebrates' started by Leslie, Jul 29, 2008.

  1. GOT MTS?

    GOT MTS? Member

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    Re: African Dwarf Frogs

    I had a pair African claw toed frogs for 2 years and then gave them away when I moved. I believe they are very similar to what you have. My frogs were great and so very very easy.

    They sometimes made a low kinda chirping noise at night and even breed once, but all the tadpoles were either eaten by fish or sucked into the filter. Mine would eat anything that would fit in there mouths. I mostly feed them sinking shrimp pellets but would also feed them crickets, feeder guppies, earth worms I found in the garden (chopped up if too big) and virtually any bug I found to be mouth sized. I used a long pair of tweezers and just waved the live food (except guppies which they had to catch on there own) in front of them and they would devour it in a flash. Be sure not to keep them with small fish, mine got big enough they ate all my neon tetras.

    I had small substrate and they did occasionally get rocks in there moth but they just spit them back out. Oh and I never used a heater even in the winter the water didn't fall bellow 70. Mine got pretty big but if yours are truly dwarf they probably wont get bigger then 2 inches. Mine got to be about 5 inches from head to toe.

    Well good luck. Your going to have a lot of fun with these guys.
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Re: African Dwarf Frogs

    Is the frog pooping? It may just be constipated which can be cured easily with some peas. Dropsy is not a disease it's more of an ailment and can be caused by many things, stress included, not ONLY by poor maintenance. People are too quick IMO to blame everything on poor water quality. As far as is the frog pregs I couldn't tell you but good luck :)
  3. California Cowgirl

    California Cowgirl New Member

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    Re: African Dwarf Frogs

    maybe i'll try crickets for them, as all of my other fish tend to get to the food before they do and their hiding almost all the time. Lol i've had bad expierences with live bloodworms with my puffer, i accidently spilt the entire stirofoam cup full of live worms down the back of the tank, and crickets are cheap enough, and they'll die right away and i don't think the other fish would eat them.
  4. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    Re: African Dwarf Frogs

    FYI I Did not blame it on poor water quality (even though most problems lead back to it one way or another...either a lack of something or not enough of something since your trying to recreate their environment in an aquarium), I said it is said to be caused by water maint AND improper Diet. READ READ READ! At least jrow did. And also I provided them with a link showing photos of a pregnant one & a dropsy one for reference. AND if your recommending to go the pea route you should at least inform someone to boil them especially since they are saying they are new to keeping these.
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Re: African Dwarf Frogs

    Not falling for it. Water quality is blamed for MANY things by many people and if I insulted you or your fishkeeping abilities I am sorry but please do not attack me in such a manner.
  6. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    Re: African Dwarf Frogs

    Oh please! Ladies and gentlemen we have a WHINER!
    what is their NOT to fall for? I typed what I typed and listed exactly the top two suspects of a balloon belly frog. ANd attack you? With what...words? Come on!
  7. GOT MTS?

    GOT MTS? Member

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    Re: African Dwarf Frogs

    LMAO this is some funny stuff you 2. maybe we need some of those foam bats they use in anger management therapy lol. BTW cowgirl I would recommend if you feed crickets you use tweezers to hold them down in front of the frogs other wise they have a tendency to just float on the water until they ether jump out or drown. Also make sure they are small enough for your frogs to get them in their mouth.
  8. California Cowgirl

    California Cowgirl New Member

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    Re: African Dwarf Frogs

    ok, i don't think they ate tonight when i fed the fish, cause all of the fish devowered(sp) the food even before the frogs had a chance to get it. So i'll have to go get some crickets soon, and when i do get the crickets, any tips on how to grab one without all of them jumping out of the bag, which i'll probably have to move them to a really small holding tank
  9. California Cowgirl

    California Cowgirl New Member

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    Re: African Dwarf Frogs

    oh and dawn i finally got a chance to read the site you suggest, really usuefull info, i'm currently reading the illness section
  10. GOT MTS?

    GOT MTS? Member

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    Re: African Dwarf Frogs

    Just try to grab one with your hand without letting the others out. Sorry I don't have anything better for you. Also you might try the sinking shrimp pellet they are cheap and easy. I noticed my frogs had a hard time seeing the pellets but there sense of smell under water is really good and they always eventually found and ate the pellets.
  11. California Cowgirl

    California Cowgirl New Member

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    Re: African Dwarf Frogs

    think my frog and the one with dropsy look about the same bloat wise?
    dropsy frog.jpg 002.JPG
  12. California Cowgirl

    California Cowgirl New Member

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    Re: African Dwarf Frogs

    i'd probably have to stick with live food, as i'm almost positive my other fish will eat the pellets, my marigold platty was searching for food in the rocks after feeding, so they would be gone by the time the frogs noticed
  13. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    Re: African Dwarf Frogs

    glad the site is proving helpful. They should give you a caresheet when you purchase different species I swear...because their just wasn't alot of info about them when I had them (had the dwarf, african clawed, and albinos..not in the same tank of course).
    *hmmm..foam bats! gimme gimme gimmme* HAha!
    Sounds like your going to be a great frog mommy! they defin are neat lil buggers and oh so cute when tearing a tubiflex worm (canned) apart.
    You can let them get wet and press them to the glass...fish like them too but when they are pressed they take longer to come apart giving the frog a chance to score some for him/herself. Just know 1 tubiflex rehydrated or whatever process they use worm square thingey goes a long way in meaning you get alot from it.

    Ps. that was my assessment also in comparing your photo to the one shown and taking into account what was fed and when it was fed.
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Re: African Dwarf Frogs

    they definetly do look similar I would try and get this under control quick, and stop feeding that thing MickeyDees :)!! (thats mcdonalds for those who do not understand)

    Dawn, stop attacking that man by justifying your points and providing reasons for what you said. ahahahahaha
  15. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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  16. California Cowgirl

    California Cowgirl New Member

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    Re: African Dwarf Frogs

    thanks, a lot, i hope that i'll treat them well, tomorrow i plan to get 2 ceramic tiny pots to put in the tank for them to hid in also, i think that's what my one frog has been trying to do in the rocks, and one frog just stays in the tree, so hopefully they'll get active and i'm really hoping the one isint sick, i think i remember seeing some dead frogs suctioned to the filter in the tank where my frogs came out of, so it is a possiblity
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Re: African Dwarf Frogs

    your frog doesnt look as wide top to bottom as that frog does after looking at your other pics
  18. California Cowgirl

    California Cowgirl New Member

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    Re: African Dwarf Frogs

    kk, i also do work at a vet, so if im to afraid i can take it to one of my vets, it's hard to say if the belly is still like that since the frogs are constantly hiding, i can't even tell them apart, i don't even know what my other frog looks like health wise, just hides all the time, so i'll give him a few days or so, and if he's sitll like that i'll poke his belly or take it to my work, and i'll still look at the second site :D
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Re: African Dwarf Frogs

    lol dont just go stabbing that thing in the gut, you may need to fish them out with a net and throw them into one of those floating clear breeding things with a top and observe them for a few days.
  20. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    Re: African Dwarf Frogs

    I'm sure your already keeping an eye on it. Just pay close attn to the ballooning and see if it gets better or worse AND if you notice it struggling to surface/eat. I know if you shop Wal-mart they have the teeny terra cotta pots back in the garden section of the store. They would be perfect if you enlargened the tiny hole at the bottom and put them opening side down and enlargened hole side up...even tipping them on their side would work welll...specially if you stuck some of those plastic plants in front of it giving them a hide out!