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Discussion in 'Goldfish, Koi, Pond Fish' started by jedg, Aug 28, 2010.

  1. jedg

    jedg Thread Starter New Member

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    i have 2 golfish 1 comet and 1 black morr, both are quite small of now, but am moving them into a bigger tank of 90 litres. just looking for advice on how to move the fish into the tank...like can i set it up and move them straight away (i will be using the same filter for now). and also, how is my stocking level do you think? would there be room for another goldfish? or not? and doesanyone know of any coldwater inverts that would do good in there?

    thanks :)
  2. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    Get the other tank cycled first BEFORE moving them in.
    Can't help ya on the stocking as I don't do goldfish...that was always cooltow1 area of expertise (can try pm'ing him- Rick).
  3. YellowCichlid

    YellowCichlid New Member

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    He will be using the same filter so as soon as he puts water in the tank and gets it treated with Prime (or an equivanelt) the fish can be put in. Make sure the water temp is pretty close to the same though. Now with that being said 90 liters is only about 23 gallons is not big enough especially for a comet goldfish that can reach 12" (one foot) plus.
  4. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    Yep, I agree with everything YellowCichlid said. Comet goldfish are really pond fish IMO. Now the other I think needs a 30ish gallon tank by itself.
  5. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    playing it safe since I was unsure how long the filter was in the other tank...which brings me to the question of is your original tank cycled? (confirmed by liquid test kit) or is it a newer tank that your simply upgrading to a larger one?
  6. nossie

    nossie Member

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    You can absolutely not put any more fish into a 90 liter. Think that every fish needs around 40 liters.
    And I would also say that it's not a good idea to keep a comet and a moor (of all things!) together. Since the moor has a round body, AND bad eyesight. The comet will take all the food, end up being overfed while the moor will most likely starve and die. Not to mention that the comet might bully him.

    The other questions were answered. But I'm quite curious of how big the current tank is, and whether it's cycled or not.
  7. jedg

    jedg Thread Starter New Member

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    wow, didnt expect to have this many replies over night!! thank you all alot :)
    fantastic advice too, sounds like as i am using the same filter, i think run the new tank (which is a second hand one) for about a day maybe then put them in?
    and yes i know comet need a pond, i have been attempting to find him a pond (i was wrongly sold it from pets at home anyone in britain willknow what im on about here) so yeah he will be going in a pond as soon as i can find one, he's only 4" right now though so i rekon i could keep him as far as christmas if needed.
    and the comet and the moor have been living togther for about 6 months and seem to get on fine no bullying, and if anything i find snape (the moor) eats more food than dumbledore (the comet) aha.
    so yeah, as soon as i do get the comet to a good pond, it would just be the moor in there, so i think from your opinions and my research i ould fit in one other moorish goldfish. do you think? but thats in the future

    thanks for your help...
    one question got no answers though. coldwater snails?

    thanks a lot to everyone :)
  8. nossie

    nossie Member

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    Yeah, get him another moor friend! :) It's good that they get along though :) It's just a general rule not to keep these different varieties together, to avoid the possibility of the problems mentioned.

    Either way, don't touch the snails. You won't need them, all they'll do is to soil the tank, eat the plants and make more and more babies :( Don't want that :( The goldies will be able to clean the tank themselves, if that's what you were wondering :)
  9. jedg

    jedg Thread Starter New Member

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    see i didnt even know about certain goldfish not being able to be kept together until now. and it wasnt until recently that i realised the comet would need a pond! i also just found out that my mum's uncle has a goldfish pond! so there we are, i think i will keep the comet for another month or so until he grows a little bit more then take him over there. ah, and then yeah think about another moorish friend for snape :) and the snails yes it was to clean the tank, as i have one in my tropical set up.
    thanks for your great help
  10. nossie

    nossie Member

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    It's not that comets are strictly for ponds actually! But I would, myself give them a bit more space than 10 gallons per fish ;) (which I calculate for the egg-shaped varieties) So don't be afraid of keeping some later on if you like them! You'd just have to invest in a bigger tank.