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Hoplias malabaricus - Predator

Discussion in 'Fish Diseases & Cures' started by SmokeyCFH, Oct 13, 2010.

  1. SmokeyCFH

    SmokeyCFH Thread Starter New Member

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    I've been through this before but this fish is by far my favorite and I don't want anything going wrong with this guy. Yesterday I noticed a small white worm at the bottom on his eye beneath the pupil, and what looked to be a few on his dorsal fin but the one on the fin looked more like it had been bitin which I think is what happened to that. I've had planaria before which is typically caused by overfeeding and this worm looks identicle. I did some research yesterday and obviously a parasite like this wont kill it's host based on survival for itself, I'm just hoping that it doesn't stress my fish out to where he gets a bacterial infection. It's not lathargic, swims around fine and eats and even still defends itself. Some sites have said pull it out with tweezers but due to the fact that it's near his eye I'm trying to avoid that. WIll it eventually come out on its own? should I put him in quarantine and get some meds? If so, whats the best meds for this? Thanks you.
  2. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    If he has some type of parasite and he's in the main tank at this point you should probably treat the whole tank.