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Ick (Question regarding whether this is or isn't Ick)

Discussion in 'Fish Diseases & Cures' started by jrow8162, Jan 17, 2009.

  1. jrow8162

    jrow8162 Thread Starter Member

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    Re: Ick or not?

    None of the other fish are showing signs of Pop-Eye. Only one of the other fish showed signs of the fungus and that was a female swordtail. Still have that male molly with some white on him but not bad. I'm thinking I have too many fish in the tank. I'm trying to move the smaller tetras out but I have to cycle the other tank first. I had the water tested and its not ready. should I continue with the pimafix or add the salt? Maybe both?
  2. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    Re: Ick or not?

    Just continue treating with PimaFix and see how that goes.
  3. jrow8162

    jrow8162 Thread Starter Member

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    Re: Ick or not?

    Will do...
  4. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    Re: Ick or not?

    Umm..I caught that you have a tiger barb/barbs in with mollies?
    Just want to put it out there that tiger barbs are know to be fin nippers unless kept in groups of about 5 or 6, even then they can still be known to nip. I'm just wondering if the barbs are nipping/chasing the fish and causing stress which is leading to ich,pop eye since its bacterial and can be caused by injury, or even fungal which can also be caused by stress.... and this is the underlying source of your problems?
    What all do you have in this tank (size)?
  5. jrow8162

    jrow8162 Thread Starter Member

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    Re: Ick or not?

    I have 2 barbs. One tiger barb and one green barb. I also have a Redtail Sharkk, 2 Serpae Tetras, 8 Neons, 1 Pictus Cat, 1 Cory Cat, an Angel Fish, female swordtail, male Molly, and a 12 inch Pleco. The tank is 55 gallons. I'm thinking stress is a lot of the problem. I'm cycling a smaller tank right now for the smaller tetras. I am about to buy either a 10 or 20 long for the Molly and the Swordtail.
  6. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    Re: Ick or not?

    With that combo I would say that (Stres) and incompatibility.
    Guppies, Cory Cat, Neons, Serpae Tetras should best be in 1 tank...and the Pictus cat, redtail shark, Angel Fish, Barbs, swordtail, molly, and pleco should go in another imo.

    Why? Because Guppies, Neons, and Cory's are peaceful and won't stress each other out by chasing and fin nipping which leads to infection/disease & Tetras in groups usually won't bother them either (groups meaning about 4).

    Angel Fish, Swordtails, Mollies, most plecos, Barbs, Redtail Shark and Pictus catfish (Pictus will eat small fish such as neons and guppies) are more aggressive and some even territorial (Angel Fish & redtail shark in particular) and should be kept with same/similar temperament to avoid the problems stated above (IE. Aggression, Stress on others in the tank, which can lead to death & infection).

    Also, this will keep most of your semi-aggressive quicker swimmers together and most of your more peaceful slower swimmers together to avoid problems such as stress/chasing.

    Good Luck!
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

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    Re: Ick or not?

    Be ready to upgrade those tanks if the red tail shark and pictus grow to maturity! Good luck with these problems, with the price tag being so low on these guys I would have given up a long time ago with the pima and melafix!
  8. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    Re: Ick or not?

    Me too, and I woulda got rid of the problem fish and got the tank into a better suitable community where stress wouldn't be an issue...but some are devoted and don't like giving up so I did recommendations based on keeping everything.
    Still wish them the best of luck with it...really bites when you have to start medicating a tank.
  9. jrow8162

    jrow8162 Thread Starter Member

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    Re: Ick or not?

    Yeah, it does suck... I've always had cichlids and never any problems like this. I'm cycling another tank right now for the Molly and the Swordtail. I've spent so much keeping them alive now it would be a shame to lose another one. I'm just gonna move them so that my other fish dont pick anything up. I'm buying a new 44 gallon corner tank next week. Might try some African cichlids soon. I saw some really pretty ones I liked last night.
  10. jrow8162

    jrow8162 Thread Starter Member

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    Re: Ick or not?

    And to piggyback off of what Nelson said, I'm gonna save up for a bigger one, maybe 125 gal or more to move the bigger ones to when they start growing. I would like to get a few Clown Loaches and I know they grow fairly large.
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Re: Ick or not?

    I love my clown loaches, they are so funny to watch. I am sure you will love them. just make sure you get like 4 or more!
  12. jrow8162

    jrow8162 Thread Starter Member

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    Re: Ick or not?

    So 4 minimum? They should be fine in my 55 long right? Their really cool looking fish. I've done my research on them and want to make sure my tank is healthy again before I add them. I'm taking the problem fish out and moving them to another tank. I'll be finished with the Pimafix tomorrow and plan to do about a 50% water change. Should I wait a few days before putting the loaches in? I hear their real sensitive to water conditions at first....
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

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    Re: Ick or not?

    if they are going to be the only fish in the tank I think they would be alright. At least for a while, they max out around 8" but are somewhat slow growers.
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

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    Re: Ick or not?

    Clown loaches do grow VERY slow and max out well above 8" take a look at this.
    <a class="postlink" href="http://www.loaches.com/species-index/clown-loach-chromobotia-macracanthus" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.loaches.com/species-index/cl ... cracanthus</a>
    Scroll down and take a look at "marge" she's 11.5"
  15. jrow8162

    jrow8162 Thread Starter Member

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    Re: Ick or not?

    yeah, I saw that when I was researching them. How do they do with mildly aggressive community fish. Angelfish and Redtail Shark in the tank I want to put them in. I really want these fish but dont want to put them in a bad environment.
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

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    Re: Ick or not?

    I have one that I got, major newbie mistake, and he is with two angels. The angels pick on him some when they have eggs but he swims faster than them so it's cool. Angels are like many other fish, it really just depends on the individual.
  17. jrow8162

    jrow8162 Thread Starter Member

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    Re: Ick or not?

    This one is with a lot of community fish. Not aggressive at all... I was gonna take Nelson's advice and get at least 4 of them...
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Re: Ick or not?

    One clown loach is a very stressed out clown loach. Also, I woner how old that 11.5" cl is? You wont see many over 8", I guess I should have said that their growth becomes extremely slowed after 8".
  19. jrow8162

    jrow8162 Thread Starter Member

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    Re: Ick or not?

    From what I read the one your talking about is really rare. I asked Fin and Feather to order me some. He had 2 tonight but I will wait until I can get 4 or more... I have to move some fish out of my big tank to the other tank first...
  20. ira

    ira Member

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    Re: Ick or not?

    Azalea has them ,so does Fish Tails