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Discussion in 'Product Reviews' started by MOD_Dawn, Mar 26, 2011.

  1. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Aquabid- Mikeswetpets
    Ebay- Mikeswetpets
    Website- http://mikeswetpets.com/StoreFront.bok

    He also sells on ebay & aquabid.

    I've ordered from him off ebay..this was years back and the sword plants I ordered were extremely nice..much nicer than the ones I saw at my local fish stores.

    Just recently I've ordered again from him, but this time was off his aquabid listings. I paid 3-23-11 and received my order today via USPS Priority Mail (3-26-11)...Talk about your Quick ship without any delays congrats

    They arrived in a large box (looks to be almost the size of the priority mail flat rate size LARGE box), everything arrived in it's own plastic bags, bunches were weighted and gum'banded together, stems were wrapped in wet napkins/paper towels and bags were insulated with newspaper which was wrapped around the outside of the bags and taped in place.

    Actual shipping on label showed as $6.80, still fair considering the bags, gumbands, weights, and time/effort on his part.

    This is a copy of what my order looked like and prices I paid:
    The Aquatic Banana Plant arrived with a buddy! That's right, I received 2 for the price of 1.
    Granted, they were small and the 1 had transparent'ish leaves...but at my local fish stores even on sale they normally run .99cents a piece.

    The Purple Cambomba arrived in nice long stems, and the coloration was excellent...more than 5 stems too (which is typically the norm you'd receive at my local fish stores)...also the stems were full and bushy, not thin and sparse like at the fish stores in my area.

    Corkscrew Vals looked really healthy with extras..the first bunch were quite large...the 2nd bunch had smaller ones...but extras made it well worth it regardless.

    The wendtii was purchased as a mother plant and was the equivalent of 3 really full plant plugs (which in my area would have cost me much more- aprox. $8.99 a plug).

    I'm definately satisfied and would order from again without hesitation.

    And if you wonder why do I order online, rather than go to a fish store in my area to buy plants...it's because the plants in my area look like crap, and are extraordinarily over priced.
  2. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    some photos of the plants-->
    wendtii.JPG corkscrew val.JPG Purple cambomba.JPG Banana.JPG