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New tank stocking 29g

Discussion in 'Beginners, New Tanks, Recommendations' started by Kuhlilove, Jun 30, 2019.

  1. Kuhlilove

    Kuhlilove Thread Starter New Member

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    Hello I have a 29 gallon that I’m slowly stocking. I am 100% getting Kuhli Loaches but as I’ve heard they prefer mature tanks they are going in last, the tank is set up exactly to their preferences with low acidic ph of 6.4, heavy plants (Amazon,anubias,anacharis,java fern, and moss bamboo stick) sand substrate with hiding places and driftwood for light tannin staining of the water. The tank has two filters on it, a penguin 125 biowheel and a whisper pf10(I used it to seed and then kept it as extra filtration) the temperature is at 75. Currently in the tank are 6 cherry barbs with 2 males and 4 females. I am looking for stocking recommendations for this tank, so fish that match with cherries and Kuhli Loaches and like the same parameters. I particularly like black, white, red, and green fish or any combination of those colors.