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Peacock - How can we reduce the aggression of dominant fish

Discussion in 'African Cichlids' started by jygnash, Jul 2, 2010.

  1. jygnash

    jygnash Thread Starter New Member

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    I had two peacock cichlids(both male) - one very dominant and one very timid.. I added three more males peacock to reduce the dominance of the former one, now he beats up all of them.

    How can we reduce the aggression of the dominant fish
  2. why_spyder

    why_spyder New Member

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    Re: Peacock - How can we reduce the aggression of dominant f

    First of all, what species did you mix together? Are they similar in coloration and size?

    Also, what sized tank are we talking about? Too small of a tank will not help with aggression issues.

    Do you have alot of caves/cover for the males to escape to to get out of line of sight of the bully male?

    Did you rearrange the tank at all during the process of adding more fish?
  3. jygnash

    jygnash Thread Starter New Member

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    Re: Peacock - How can we reduce the aggression of dominant f

    Thanks alot for help, Yes we did fixed the issue. - " Caves & Rocks " to be remembered when any body gets peacock or any african cichlid.

    We stock up the tank with lot of lava rocks and other kinds. Made many caves out of it. so now the aqurium is settled and fish are enjoying there hide and seek.
  4. redtop72

    redtop72 New Member

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    Re: Peacock - How can we reduce the aggression of dominant f

    One other way that works for me is taking the bully out and put him in a temporary tank for a few days, this gives the others time to get comfortable in the tank so when the bully is back in they will defend themselves. The bully will give up and become docile. fight fire with fire i always say.