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Rena Filstar XP4

Discussion in 'Product Reviews' started by MOD_Dawn, Dec 21, 2008.

  1. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Anthony asked if I can review this, so here it goes...and be gentle--I normally don't do reviews:

    The Rena Filstar XP4 is one massive piece of aquarium equipment. This monster filtration system measures in at 13" x 9" x 17" and is recommended for aquariums up to 260 gallons in size.

    The flow rate is listed as being 450 gph and incidently works fabously with the Turbo Twist Coralife 12X 36watt UV Sterilizer (I was able to install this UV Sterilizer inline by tapping into my XP4's existing output tubing) and the 300 Watt Rena SmartHeater that the manufacture recommends for tanks up to 90 gallons (I was able to install this Heater by attaching it to the standard piece of the intake on the XP4).

    The XP4 has 4 impressively large media trays that can hold various media BESIDES the media that is boxed and sold for it by the manufacture.

    IF you opt to go with the manufactures media you'll have the possibility of multiple combinations to decide from...this is a list of the manufactures media that is available to date:

    [*]FilStar Bio-Chem Zorb
    [*]FilStar Super Activated Carbon
    [*]FilStar Phos-Zorb
    [*]FilStar Nitra-Zorb
    [*]FilStar Zeolite (ammonia remover)
    [*]Filstar MicroFiltration Pads Plus
    [*]Filstar Bio Chem Stars
    [*]Filstar Foam 20ppi Pads
    [*]Filstar Foam 30ppi Pads.

    -> I personally use from Bottom to Top Tray the following combination: 30ppi Pads, 20ppi Pads, 1/2 Bio Chem Stars & the other 1/2 of the basket with Ceramic Rings, and MicroFiltration Pads on the top--I also add a purigen bag on the top of the MicroFiltration Pads for a bit of overkill.

    I am a huge fan of this filters easy/quick disconnect!
    All you do is...

    1. unplug the filter...wait a few seconds...
    2. lift the disconnect lever which doesn't allow any water to escape onto your floors...give it a few seconds (just to play it safe) and
    3. now your able to remove the canister for necessary cleaning and media changes!
    4. When reconnecting the filter you are to push the lever into the down position and allow it to set for 2 minutes PRIOR to re-plugging it in....This allows the canister to draw water from your existing aquarium down into the canister.
    5. Now simply plug in and your all done.

    As far as Noise goes I would consider it as minimal to non-existent...I have it installed into my wooden aquarium stand which is located in my bedroom. I am a very light sleeper and this filter in no way keeps myself or my spouse awake with noise. I think this may have something to do with the rubber ?feeting that goes over the bottom 4 corners of the filter.

    As an added note... if you have butterfingers it's nice to know that replacement parts won't cost an arm and a leg. In addition you don't have to waste gas running to the pet store for media if you plan on sticking with the manufactures...since you can often get it online noramlly for much cheaper!

    Here's 2 quick links that will lead you to online retailers which I have found to carry much of the Rena Filstar media, parts, and even the filter itself:



    In the aquarium world we all know bigger is better and that overkill is always suggested.

    I have this filter running on my 90 gallon planted tank and all that I can say is I am definately impressed and glad that I purchased it! It's easy to maintain, filtration media possibilities are endless, it runs quitely, it was extremely simple to install (my kid actually set it up), and the quick disconnect feature is absolutely brilliant!

    Below I have uploaded several photos of the filter in action to give you a better idea of size, the quick disconnect feature (lever), and of the depth of the media baskets.

    I should note that the XP4 will come with several different attachments thus allowing you to customize your installation.

    In my particular installation I have the outtake tube cut a few feet from the filter and then have my UV Sterilzer Installed which has a few feet of the remaining tubing running into the ventri Spray Bar which is installed inside my tank--This all runs off the outtake side.

    On the intake side I have the tubing connected to the standard connection which is inserted into my tank & from this standard connection I have by RenaSmart Heater tapped in.

    **Anthony--feel free to edit if you find this uneasy to follow or any part unable to be understood**
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  2. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    Re: Rena XP4

    Thank you very much for the review Dawn. I had no trouble following what you wrote.

    It doesn't come with the spray bar, correct ? If not, where did you purchase it ?
  3. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Re: Rena XP4

    It does come with the spray bar. Check big als online and it will show you the styrofoam tray with all of the included accessories in their online photo.
    Also I forgot to note that it is recommended for BOTH saltwater and freshwater aquariums.
  4. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    Re: Rena XP4

    Okay great ! I'm going to order mine from KensFish. He's only $169 for the XP4 ! :eek:
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Re: Rena XP4

    hope this works better than the xp3 lol
  6. SyncereOne

    SyncereOne New Member

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    Re: Rena XP4

    You have your spraybar spraying right into the intake of another filter?
  7. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Re: Rena XP4

    it's behind the emperor 400 intake--only place I could fit it (accidently cut hoses too short). But I have it angled in such a way that only one of the open holes actually sprays into the intake (thus not really affecting it).
  8. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Re: Rena XP4

    I take it you had problems with the xp3?
    So far, I'm happy with the performance and ease of operation of the XP4.
    I think I scored mine for $159.00 from Petsolutions when I purchased it, but now they are listing it as $206.99! If you can score a new one (ANthony) for that price I'd jump on it :cool: