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Rena SmartFilters

Discussion in 'Product Reviews' started by Anthony, Dec 20, 2008.

  1. Anthony

    Anthony Thread Starter Active Member

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    Okay. I've always used AquaClear 110's on my tanks. When I setup my saltwater tank I purchased two Rena SmartFilters (30's) since they were new and looked interesting.

    The filters work pretty well. I'm happy with the filtration they provide on my 30 gallon long tank. My only problem is the media (filter pads) they require. They don't seem to last long at all. A few weeks and they have to be replaced. I've tried cleaning them but that doesn't extend their use much. They also contain carbon or one or two other built in media options. Because of that it worries me to use them too long. The media isn't cheap at all. I've been purchasing the large 12 pack from Drs Foster and Smith but that only lasts me about a month. I pay about $31.00 plus shipping for them.

    I have seen several people turn them into HOB "canister filters" so I may try that out before placing them in the Trading Post after the holidays.
    rena filter.jpg
  2. Anthony

    Anthony Thread Starter Active Member

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    I just wanted to update this and say that KensFish.com has the 12 pack of filter replacement pads for $23.99 which is by far the best price I've seen anywhere.
  3. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    I just picked up the Rena Smartfilter 20 (rated for 10-20g aquariums) for my 10g fry tank.

    So far, I'm quite happy with it...it's quiet...doesn't take up a lot of room...and was compatible with my prefilter sponge {Filter Max #3 from KensFish}.
    I couldn't imagine maint. being much simpler either...open the top box thingy and place a new square box-like cartridge on it?

    I got my 12 pack of refill cartridges at petmountain..they run $26.75 there, but I utilized a coupon for 10% off making them $24.08 And I spent enough to earn free shipping.
  4. jcahow

    jcahow New Member

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    Be careful with these Rena Smartfilters. By design when the replacable filters get dirty and start to clog the flow of running water through the filter it backs up and leaks out the back onto the floor.

    I noticed this one day when all of a sudden my 20 gallon had an inch less water in it and I saw it had leaked all over the floor. I have seen others complain about this identical issue on other fish forums.

    I siliconed the two halfs together to try to prevent this from happening again in the future. I cannot really see a reason that you need to take the top off anyways as the replacable filters are still removable and the BIO stars are never taken out.

    Be sure to check and change your replacable filters before they get dirty or this filter WILL LEAK out the back onto the floor.