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Seachem Purigen

Discussion in 'Product Reviews' started by Anthony, Jun 9, 2008.

  1. Anthony

    Anthony Thread Starter Active Member

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    Originally posted by trundle_sam

    Purigen is a synthetic adsorbent, not a mixture of ion exchangers or adsorbents, but a unique macro-porous synthetic polymer that removes soluble and insoluble impurities from water. Purigen removes proteins, nitrites and nitrates, ammonia, and a broad spectrum of organics. Purigen darkens progressively as it exhausts, and is easily renewed by treating with household bleach.

    My experience with Purigen started when I was admiring an african tank at one of my many LFS's . I asked the owner how he managed to get such un-parralelled clarity in a tank so overstocked, with a crummy overhead in hood filter.

    Being a bit sceptical I handed over my hard earned dollars and bought the hundred gram sachet.

    Since I first got my first 4' tank I had so many problems with cloudiness and poor visibility, going through many products including seachem clarity, stress zhyme ager and 95% water changes to no avail.

    But good lord 2 days was all it took to buffer my water so that everyone that looks asks me the question now how do I get my water so clear?

    As you may have read in the description it states you can re-generate it to new with household bleach. 6 months passed and it came time to re-generate the sachet as it was almost black, now I used a bleach detergent not straight bleach as I didn't have any but even using this soaking it for one day then soaking for another day in a strong prime solution it only made half the little pellet things go back to white and the otthers went red, I put it back in my canister and it works like new.

    this is your local fish store's secret to ake those amazingly clear display tanks that make you want to buy more fish.

    I urge you to give it a go you will not be dissapointed, you buy it then bleach it when it is exhausted and its new again. very reare to find a product hat is essentially never ending while working wonders.
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Re: Seachem Purgin

    PURIGEN IS AMAZING!!!!!!! i use it on my tank, in 12 hrs, completely clear.
  3. eeyipes

    eeyipes New Member

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    Re: Seachem Purgin

    Looking at Purigen online, it looks like it comes in a cannister of loose granules. Do you just put some in a mesh bag in your filter? Also says not to use with a slime coat product like Stess Coat because the combination could be toxic. Do you just use Seachem Prime?
  4. Anthony

    Anthony Thread Starter Active Member

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    Re: Seachem Purgin

    Yeah, you just add it to a mesh bag and stick it in your filter(s).

    Seachem Prime is safe to use.
  5. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    Re: Seachem Purgin

    Just ordered a few purigen that included the bag off of ebay..I too read about toxicity with different products. Wondering if anyone knows if it's okay to use with aquasafe (linked below), being that I use that product in both of my tanks?
  6. Anthony

    Anthony Thread Starter Active Member

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    Re: Seachem Purgin

    I'm not 100% sure but I don't think it is. I know for a fact you can use Prime with it.
  7. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    Re: Seachem Purgin

    Thanks for the info, I ordered some to try it after reading how much others thought it was great.
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Re: Seachem Purgin

    Hey I got some of this stuff from drsfosterandsmith and ordered the fine grain velcro bag with it to put it in. The holes in the bag look like they would allow the purgin to fit through and escape the bag. Does anyone have experience using this product this bag if not tell me what bag you used so I can go buy one. Thanks guys!
  9. Anthony

    Anthony Thread Starter Active Member

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    Re: Seachem Purgin

    The purgin I'm using came bagged and sealed. Seachem makes a special bag for it though. They call it "The Bag".
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Re: Seachem Purgin

    where can I find "the bag" well basically what are the chances that petsmart will have it?
  11. Anthony

    Anthony Thread Starter Active Member

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    Re: Seachem Purgin

    Slim to none probably.
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Re: Seachem Purgin

    I figured that lol. Well looks like Ill be checking their other bags.
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Re: Seachem Purgin

    Im adding purigen to my filters today, is there anything I should know about it beforehand? I only use prime to condition the water, so if there are any rules other than that lemme know!
  14. Anthony

    Anthony Thread Starter Active Member

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    Re: Seachem Purgin

    Nope, Prime is safe. Just don't use anything that contains a slime coat. Just pop it in your filters and you're good to go until it needs to be "recharged".
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Re: Seachem Purgin

    It took the purigin about 24 hours to make my water glass clear, this stuff is great!