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Shrimp (Questions & Advice)

Discussion in 'Invertebrates' started by Leslie, Aug 20, 2008.

  1. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    Bettas aren't known for their personality. :) They're usually pretty boring fish. When you add them to community tanks they do add a nice splash of color though.
  2. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    Moss provides a great hideout for shrimp fry.

    I wouldn't do a betta in a community tank unless it was a female...reason being is that the males are nippy>>>in addition to many fish ripping the males fancy finnage making it susceptible to disease.
  3. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    I thought I mentioned it here but I guess not. My Grandmother kept a male betta in a goldfish tank, that worked out well. The betta never bothered the goldfish, I'm guessing because they were much larger.
  4. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    Yea, I think it woulda needed some huge *bleeps* to go after a goldfish. Lol!

    Just curious, but did she run a heater for the tank? I know some do and some don't for goldfish
  5. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    Yep, I set the tank up and everything. :D
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    nahh mr betta's pretty interesting <3 his stuppid fin got ripped today -_- goes to figure out how to fix it. God I have with so many problems, I swear fate works against me when it comes to fish. Keeping goldfish and bettas together doesn't actually seem like a bad idea Anthony. Water where I live has never gone lower than 74 and bettas do fine with that temp. If I got goldfish I'd have to put ice cubes in to make it any colder XD
  7. w00t_w00t

    w00t_w00t New Member

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    Bettas - male and female - will do fine in a community tank so long as they aren't flamboyant tropical fish like Guppies, Endlers, etc. Tetras I have found, make good companions for bettas. And what's this about Bettas having no personality? I must disagree! Most aren't very enthused with the idea of being kept in smaller tanks. Once they're in larger tanks, they explore just as much as anything else!

    One of my bettas attempted (and failed) at schooling with the tetras I have. They were too fast for him, and he gave up. Though, he did 'check' on them several times per day o_O Just make sure it's a peaceful community fish with short, non-flowing fins and you'll probably be alright.

    * Though, you still need to keep an eye on both parties to make sure you don't have an overly aggressive fish from either group. It happens.
  8. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    <--hasn't gone to get a female yet, but agree with them exploring.
    My male "owns" pretty much the hole left half of the tank ((Loves the crypt wendtiis)) and looks absolutely gorgeous in there.

    So sad though you can't keep a tankful of the males (their such a pretty fish).
  9. James0816

    James0816 New Member

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    Is this the shrimp thread or the betta thread? [odd] :)
  10. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    BOTH! Lol!
  11. Guidoman888

    Guidoman888 New Member

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    Hey dont blame us for getting offtopic, At least anthony and dawn stayed at fish this time :)
  12. w00t_w00t

    w00t_w00t New Member

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    Well you /could/ keep a tankfull of male bettas... with dividers XD </smart-buttness>

    So far my females have been just as bossy as the males >__> Anyway. I'm afraid to put shrimp in with anything - even though I would LOVE to have some.. I think they'd become quick food for something. My fish so such food fanatics they start to swim and 'dance' around anytime I come near, and so do my turtles. I don't even feed them that much, but I do give them alot of variety o.o andspecialtreats ^___^;; Don't want them thinking the cute little shrimps are a treat that's for sure.
  13. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    I hear ya woot, but wouldn't do the dividers..pain in butt (did that before in the 90g) when you have a canopy on the top.

    I seen people do it with a 10g and something about folder dividers? But To me I thought it would be harder to do partials (smaller area) and filtration would be restricted moreso to 1 side.

    Ps. Spot on with the shrimp...in a small tank they wouldn't have a chance..but in a big planted one it doesn't seem to be an issue (at least for me)
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:01 pm
    Ehh so I bought a few ghost shrimps at the pet store a few days ago. One of them has eggs and I decided to place her in a seperate one gallon tank and try and raise the fry. I have no experience whatsoever with ghost shrimps and it was a spur of the moment idea to buy some. I've been trying to find a fry care or ghost shrimp breeding site for them but there seems to be none :( So I was wondering how long does it usually take for eggs to become baby ghost shrimps? Is a gallon tank with no heating or filteration not good enough for a shrimp? If the baby shrimps hatch what should I feed them? I'm really not willing to buy any live food or liquid fry food for them as one it'd be cheaper just to buy more shrimps and it's too much of a hassle doing that, so are there any foods that I can buy at a local super market while I buy groceries with my mom tha tmight work? More questions next :) , yeah I know I'm annoying
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:05 pm
    Ok more Qs ^^
    How long would it take (assuming that I can keep them alive) for baby shrimp to grow big enough to survive against the hungry mouths of my betta and neon tetras? I have at least 8 plants or so and a few rocks in there, is that good enough for hiding spots? Are they big enough by then that I won't have to worry about the filter sucking them in? Also by that time will they eat food off the floor? I feed my shrimp betta bio-gold and tetra flakes.
  16. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:14 pm
    They're pretty easy to breed. Since you have the female in a tank by herself make sure you provide her with some food. The baby shrimp may be difficult to feed when first born. They would normally feed on micro algae but a new tank will not have any of this. Depending on water temperature the incubation period should be 21-24 days. After they hatch remove the female and place her back in the main tank.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:15 pm
    ok, what's the fastest way to grow micro-algae? I guess I could put the water underneath the sun
  18. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:16 pm
    Lots of light and little filtration. When your water looks green your water is filled with it.
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:19 pm
    ok, should I add something to the water? or is the food and poop in it good enough to start the algae growing? I have algae pellets (for my otto) but that's dead algae...
  20. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:23 pm
    Not unless you know someone with green water already. Just add lots of light and normal feeding and fish waste will help the algae grow. It will take a good month+ though so you may not be ready for this batch but you should be by next time.