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Snails In Fresh Water Tank?

Discussion in 'Invertebrates' started by jinglesrr, Apr 21, 2011.

  1. jinglesrr

    jinglesrr Thread Starter Member

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    I am considering getting some small pearl snails (a derivitive of the Apple Snail, I understand) and am wondering if this would be okay for my tank or not. It is a 20 gallon tank, fully-stocked with peaceful fish, including lots of red lotus plants. There are already several types of great algae eaters in the tank, including some bushy nose and bull dogs. I generally feed once a day, alternating between tubifex worms and dry and suppliment with algae wafers a few times a week.I could easily increase feedings if necessary. I don't have much algae on the tank itself but have some green hair algae on some driftwood that no one seems to want to eat! I like the looks of this snail but am wondering if this would upset the peaceful balance of the tank I currently have or be a beautiful addition? I have had snails before so have no experience with them so any input would be appreciated!

  2. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    Excellent choice for your tank!
    As long as you don't have any loaches you'll be fine. Pearl snails are a deriv. of the apple snail, they WILL NOT eat live plants so your okay there, and the benefits of having them is that they will consume DEAD plant leaves (which create increased bio load) and will also consume EXCESS food (which can cause problematic nitrates/phosphates).

    Not sure if you got them yet or not, but found this CL ad $1ea(shipping may be an option)--> http://sfbay.craigslist.org/pen/pet/2336937776.html
  3. jinglesrr

    jinglesrr Thread Starter Member

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    That's exactly the source I am planning on getting from! Thanks for the reassurances. For some reason, my regular fish guy never stocks any snails and I was getting the feeling that there was a reason for it!

  4. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    I bet the reason is because most people tend to stay away from snails (unless they have loaches to feed) because they can overpopulate the tank rather quickly. IF you don't want more than you can handle simple remove the egg cluster (they'll lay them just above the water and in my experience usually towards the back of the tank like under hobs).

    I know I've even seen some people sell off the egg clusters.