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Tankmates for Goldies!!

Discussion in 'Goldfish, Koi, Pond Fish' started by san_sam, Apr 29, 2010.

  1. san_sam

    san_sam Thread Starter New Member

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    Hey guys! I am setting up my new 45 gal tank soon and the 4 goldies I have now will be shifted there.. I would also love to have other fishes too.. I tried having guppies and mollies along with them. But they tend to chase the goldies. Is it possible to have them together. Which are all the other fishes that would live peacefully with goldies.. :D
  2. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    Goldfish are coldwater fish. Most fish are tropical meaning they require a heater. Off the top of my head the only other coldwater fish I can think of are white clouds.
  3. HBIC

    HBIC Need help??? That's what we're here for :)

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    There are a zillion coldwater fish, hillstream species. Danios, many loaches, shiners, certain types of catfish and on and on.
  4. nossie

    nossie Member

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    My mom has kept and is still keeping mollies with her fantails without problems :) The temp in her tank is around 24-26 degrees, and it's obviously suitable for both species! Since the mollies breed regularly and the goldfish grow big and strong ;) Platies would also work pretty well with goldfish! (which we also tried) Since their water requirements are more similar to that of goldfish.

    And, goldfish actually thrive in higher temperatures around 23-26 degrees, so it wouldn't be a problem choosing a companion within the same temperature range c:
    But yea, check out some other coldwater fish too! Who knows what you might find! :D (And if I was too slow with this post, maybe someone else will find it useful :C)