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Triops Eggs for Plants!?

Discussion in 'Trading Post' started by MasterBlue, Dec 7, 2011.

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  1. MasterBlue

    MasterBlue Thread Starter Active Member

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    Hey guys, since my whole tank collapse I had a few months ago, I had lost my will to manage my fish, but now that my depression has lifted it's iron-fist grip on me I'm back! And I need plants XD
    If anyone wants to swap Some of my Triops longicaudatus eggs for some plants I would really appreciate it!

    What I'm looking for is Java Moss (or similar), Hornwort, and any other plant that doesn't mind being in dim light.

    I'm also looking for some Ramshorn Snails. Will trade Malaysian Trumpets if you're interested?
  2. MasterBlue

    MasterBlue Thread Starter Active Member

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    Allright! Aquabid to my rescue!

    This can be taken down, lol
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