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Urgent help needed

Discussion in 'Fish Diseases & Cures' started by mauricius, Apr 10, 2010.

  1. mauricius

    mauricius Thread Starter New Member

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    Tank has been set up since Nov 09.
    Temp - 78 F
    Tank sized 220 Gallons/833 Liters

    As of 01/13/2010
    Amonia NH3/4 - .25
    Nitrite NO2 - 0
    PH - 7.6
    Nitrate - 0
    GH - ?
    KH - ?

    Folks I am in a panic. My CA and SA fish are very sick. I have some that are on the bottom with fins down, I have some at the surface with fins clamped. Most of the fish have white spots (Ick). Some look like they have velvet. Some are listless. My earth eaters are shaking their heads and are trying to swim backwards without going anywhere.

    I just did a 25% water change - dosed with Seachem Prime.

    Just introduced two Uaru's 45 days ago.

    My temp is 79.8

    My paramaters are normal. I do weekly 25% water changes.

    I have medicated with Forma-Green, Artemiss, and Gentamycin Sulfate Powder.

    Do I try copper sulfate, turn up the heat and aeration? Do I have multiple diseases here?

    I am requesting your help please I can't loose my fish. [icon_e_confused.gif]

    Tank Size: 220 GL
    2 EA 2” Fire Mouths
    2 EA 4” Jack Dempsey’s
    1 EA 3.5” Green Severum
    1 EA 4” Green Severum
    2 EA 1” Keyhole’s
    2 EA 3.5” Hysophrys nicaraquense
    2 EA 2” super red severums
    2 EA 2.5" Notatus severums
    2 EA 2.5" Hypselcara temporalis
    2 EA 4-5" Heros sp. Rotkeil
    2 EA 1.5" Cryptoheros sajica
    2 EA 2.5" Geophagus sp. Red Head Tapajos
    2 EA 4.5 Hoplarchus psittacus
    2 EA 4.5 Aequidens pulcher
    2 EA 2" Hysophrys nicaraquense
    2 EA 3" Uaru
    2 1" Salvini
    1 9" Pleco
  2. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    First thing I would suggest is to bump that temp up to 86 slowly. Make sure it's 86 degrees at the BOTTOM of the tank. This will kill the ick in about a week. Do you have enough water movement at the surface ? Make sure you have something breaking the surface of the water. That being a bubbler or a filter outtake aimed at the surface to create ripples.

    The ammonia is causing at least some of the problems you're seeing.

    You at least have ich, which you know about. The other symptoms you're seeing could be due to ammonia poisoning. Do a double dose of Prime now to help with that.
  3. mauricius

    mauricius Thread Starter New Member

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    Thank you Anthony,

    I have three air stones they are 4" long and 2 1/2" around and a very powerful air filter. All three stones are on full. I have an Eheim Pro III that has been cleaned, the spray bar is at the surface and is agitating the surface. I also have an Eheim Wet Dry as well as a Vortex Diatom Filter that uses diatomaceous earth to fine filter the water. This filter is supposed to filter out Ick and other microscopic organisms. Since I posted this morning I have noticed small and large strands of fish slime floating around the tank. Is this a good sign?

    Thank you again for the advice. I appreciate it.
  4. HBIC

    HBIC Need help??? That's what we're here for :)

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    Did you properly cycle this tank before adding the fish??
  5. mauricius

    mauricius Thread Starter New Member

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    Yes, This tank is well established.
  6. HBIC

    HBIC Need help??? That's what we're here for :)

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    I wouldn't say 6 months old is well established, sounds to me as if for some reason your beneficial bacteria can't keep up with production of waste.
  7. FishVixen

    FishVixen Active Member

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    I would be doing at least 30% water changes daily. If your tank was cycled it's not now. Just the 9" pleco will give off alot of waste and foul the water really quicky. Your fish my be on the small side now, but they're growing and producing more waste. Even a 220 gal can be overstocked. Hope all is going okay. keep up the temp and water changes. Exssesive slime doesn't sound good and do a 50% water change now.
  8. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    I agree HBIC, 6 months to me isn't "well established" but that is plenty of time to get a tank cycled correctly. It seems like you have quite a few fish in the tank.

    I would also suggest turning off the Diatom Filter. I'm not 100% sure since I've never used one but it would seem to me that if it can remove diatoms then it may also be harming your cycling process by removing BB before it has a chance to attach itself to something. In addition to what was mentioned above you might also want to try some Seachem Stability, which is supposed to add some BB to your tank.