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Wanted: Plants/Clippings

Discussion in 'Trading Post' started by MOD_Dawn, Aug 4, 2011.

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  1. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Thread Starter Active Member

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    Looking for some plants/clippings for the 90g.
    Thought I'd give it a try here before placing an order...just let me know what you have, but really interested in the following:
    [*]Corkscrew Vals to spread along the back probably
    [*]A Nice Size Sword Plant or possibly a Rosette for in the driftwood "pocket"?
    [*]Wendtii (would possibly like to give the florida sunset a go) to plant up the "breeding" area
    [*]a Java Fern or two to attach to the driftwood
    [*]Red Tiger Lotus for behind my tiki guy
    [*]Crinum Natans maybe towards the left side along the wall?

    Ps. I prefer from a non-co2 tank as I'm not running co2 & I've come to find that plants I've bought in the past that HAVE come from co2 tanks quickly die (apparently I guess they can't adjust, but who knows).
  2. WhiteGloveAquatics

    WhiteGloveAquatics New Member

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    I got the c wendtii, swords and ferns.

    Ill snap pics once I get the tank cleared up and send em to you on FB
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