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What have my fish died of?

Discussion in 'Fish Diseases & Cures' started by kerang, Jun 24, 2009.

  1. kerang

    kerang Thread Starter New Member

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    I have a 80L planted tank and a 30L planted tank(for any fry) that have been cycled for about 3 months. Have had water tested and everything is fine. Temp is at 26*c. In the 80l tank I have livebearers (platties, mollies ect). 6 weeks ago 2 of my platties started hiding and sitting on the bottom of the tank. Went to pet shop and they said it could be stress from being bullied, to remove the 2 fish and to add tonic salt to both tanks. The fish seemed to start to recover and then 3 weeks later they started to sit on the bottom of the tank again. Back to pet shop. Told it could be white spot even though they were not showing any signs of this. Treated them anyway. Didnt work. Woke up yesterday and both fish were dead. No visible signs of injuries, parasites or fungus. What could have killed them? Have some fry in with them and they are now showing signs to (sitting on bottom of tank). Please help. I dont want to loss any more fish!!
  2. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    What are your readings? (Ph, Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, Gh & Kh)

    -->How often are you doing partial water changes and in what amounts? (water maint./mini-cycling) Also are you adding a dechlorinator EVERY time you add water into the tank?

    -->Do you have filtration? And are you running an airstone in the tank by chance? (oxygenation)

    -->And finally, how many fish are in this tank and types? (overstocking, stress, disease)

    -->Were these newly added fish? (improper adjusting, swimbladder)
  3. kerang

    kerang Thread Starter New Member

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    I have 2 mollies,2 balloon mollies, 3 swordtails and 8 platties + the two that died. Doing partial water changes about every 2 weeks (30%) and adding dechlorinator and salt every time. Water test readings all in the normal range. Running 3 stage filtation in all tanks and both have airatones. All fish were bought from same fish shop and at same time. None of the other fish show signs of sickness yet only the 2 that died and some of the fry.
  4. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    do you have a salinity monitor?

    Any stand out signs on the deceased fish (swollen belly, grainy spots like salt, etc)?

    Your temp is good, convert the liter to gallon that's a touch over 21g so tank size is good for what you have in there now.

    Is your lfs having any issues with the tank that your fish came from (another words have you been back there to see if they have treated the tank...or any that were left behind are showing any signs).
  5. kerang

    kerang Thread Starter New Member

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    No I dont have a salinity monitor. No stand out signs of desease, they just sit on bottom of tank with fins down ( last day of their lives they were on their sides on the botttom of tank) and only swim for food. None of the other fish from the origanal tank show signs of illness. Have been back to fish shop and they said that it must be some thing I have introduced or have done. They had 1 tank not for sale, but said that they were new stock not for sale yet.
  6. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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  7. kerang

    kerang Thread Starter New Member

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    I followed the instuctions from the fish shop but left them a bit longer in the bag before I started adding tank water.
  8. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    What were you actual water readings?
    If water quality is good,
    partials are done regularly with dechlorinated water that is almost the same temp as your tank water,
    filters are maintained regularly (monthly) and any sponges are rinsed in existing tank water preventing mini-cycles,
    Temperature is steady and doesn't flux,
    and the tank isn't overstocked or stocked with incompatible species (bullying isn't occuring...ex. males bullying females due to not enough),
    other inhabitants aren't showing signs of illness or disease..or displaying the clamped fin and staying on bottom behavior as the others...
    the only thing I can think of is stressed from the transfer> or > improperly acclimated?

    No issues in the tank...algae, diatoms, gooey food on bottom?

    Sorry, just trying to be thorough to help you figure this one out.
    Still thinking transfer stress which can be from about anything.
  9. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    Were their instructions to
    >Float bag in tank for water and remove fish from bag with net and place in tank
    >Float bag in tank and replace a dixie cup of water from their bag and toss it...then replace it with a dixie cup of water from your existing tank...keep doing this for about 35-45 minutes and then net the fish from the bag and place them in the tank
  10. kerang

    kerang Thread Starter New Member

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    Instructions wre are above. Friend just rung and thought it might be "fluck parasite" as this is not always visible to the eye.
  11. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    I think you meant "Fluke", as in gill/skin flukes. If it were that these are the symptoms.
    # Fish gasps for air at the water's surface
    # Gills open and close rapidly
    # Gills are covered in mucus
    # Part of gills may be eaten away
    # Scraping & Flashing

    I would suggest you stop adding salt to the tank and do a 40% water change with water with the same temperature the tank is set at and make sure it's dechlorinated. If that doesn't help them perk up post back.
  12. stevenrox

    stevenrox New Member

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    fluke is disgusting you'll know when you see it...