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Loach yoyo loach missing eye

Discussion in 'Loaches, Eels, Bichir' started by caa, Jan 2, 2009.

  1. caa

    caa Thread Starter New Member

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    yoyo loach missing eye

    I have a yoyo loach about a year old. He is in a peaceful tank, and all seems well.
    I went away for a few days, and when I returned, he was missing an eye. He has
    no injuries, is very active, and eats very well. I checked the water, and everything
    is in good shape. Is this weird or what? Has anyone else had this happen? :D
  2. Anthony

    Anthony Active Member

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    What type of fish are in the tank ? That is really odd if you have peaceful fish in with him. For an injury to happen and to completely lose the eye in a matter of a few days is very odd. You may want to add some Mela/Pimafix into the tank to prevent infection.
  3. caa

    caa Thread Starter New Member

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    I have two really laid back angels, neons, and a few platys. I have had the angels for years, and
    have never seen them pick on anyone. I do have a male beta in there also, and he has been there for years, and has never been aggressive. He pretty much just races around his big log.
  4. MOD_Dawn

    MOD_Dawn Active Member

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    hmm. Wondering if they may be showing aggression once the lights are off. Angels can be really nasty...especially if they are mating or gaurding eggs.
    Bettas can be fiesty also. Try to keep an eye out for when the lights are off and see it you notice anyone being a bully.
  5. caa

    caa Thread Starter New Member

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    I do check on all my tanks at night ( I have 5), and angels are weird at night; they just sort of float
    at an angle. The beta sleeps in a hole in the log. But who knows. Angles are famous for eating neons, and they have never even bothered them. But the loach can be annoying, I think. Although,
    the angels just drift along in their own world. But thanks for the input.
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    I would say the angles are the culprit.